The Writing Shack

Sometimes, I just have to spread out to get my writing done.  Whether it’s rewriting my novel, writing a blog post or article, or even just writing an email, I work best with a large, flat space to lay out all my notes, outlines, have my computer or current notebook in front of me, and have somewhere to put my coffee and possibly ash my cigarette.

Additionally, it helps to have somewhere quiet and office-like to go to where the obligations of housekeeping aren’t screaming at me, or if boyfriend wants to listen to an audiobook and play video games at the same time, I won’t be screaming at him.

My writers’ nooks have come in many shapes and sizes over  the years, but I think this one is my favorite yet.  It’s a shame I will be leaving it in a couple of months.  May I present – The Writing Shack, complete with cute pets and inspirational literature:

