How to Quit Smoking

The first time I tried to quit, I was living with my parents and really I was only quitting because I was tired of being berated about how bad smoking was for me ALL THE TIME.  It wasn’t my real reasons.  It has to be my real reasons.

A couple of years later, I’m living on my own and I would like to quit for real, for my own reasons.  I know it’s bad for me, I know it diminishes my ability to sing, and I’m definitely not as productive at home or at work when I’m stepping outside for a smoke every hour or even half-hour (depending on what kind of day it’s proving to be, naturally).

But what’s my main motivation?

Endurance.  Endurance to take my (new!) dog on walks, and runs someday when we both work up to it, and endurance to do the hard work that my gardens need to be functional and beautiful.  The first day of spring is in a couple of weeks, and frankly I don’t want to be caught outside smoking a cigarette when I could be doing thing to improve my lungs, my life, and the lives of my boyfriend and dog.

Well, pets.  The cats will sometimes come on walks too.

I made this simple sticky note to hang on my mirror so I see it every day.

DSCN0116 It’s that simple.  It’s working.  I’m a bit jittery, but I feel so much better already.